Monday, July 7, 2008

Pick it up, throw it down

Today after our day of shopping I was trying to get you to take a nap by driving around the neighborhood when I spotted a log cabin playhouse in someone's front lawn with a Free sign on it. Grandma taught me well, Kendyl, cause after we got home Uncle Mark and Aunt Netty's dad, Lynn, took me over there to get it. We brought it home and as I was washing it down with the hose, you very slyly helped yourself to the mud again. This time you not only splashed in it, but you actually put both feet in. After I got you out we went over to the front lawn so I could water it and you quickly found the hose as I went to turn it off. You made up a new game. Here is a little bit of video.
And here is your cute new log cabin playhouse. I'm sorry that your mom is a trash digger Kendyl:)but she loves you very much.


Anonymous said...

Heather your terrible talking about your a trash digger that funny! Auntie Lisa!

Anonymous said...

Heather your terrible talking about your a trash digger that funny! Auntie Lisa!