Sunday, May 18, 2008


Today we went to lunch with Aunt Cyndi, Uncle Eric and Auntie's mom and sister. Aunt Cyndi is getting realllllly close to delivering baby Nordlander so it was nice to get together again. While we were leaving we started talking about the delivery, which probably wasn't the smartest thing to do. We probably added some nerves to poor Aunt Cyndi, but nontheless it brought back some amazing memories for me. On the way home, me and daddy talked about some of them and it made us realize what a blessing you are and how fortunate we are to have you. So of course the sappiness in me came home and started looking at pictures. I thought now is the perfect time to portray your growth over the last 8 1/2 months. You are officially 36 weeks old, which I guess is technically 9 months, but that sounds old so we'll stick with 8 and a half until June 8th :) Well, Love you soooooo much Kendyl. Thanks for being my world.
Sept 8th
October 8th
November 8th
December 8th
January 8th
February 8th
March 8th
April 8th
May 8th

1 comment:

b said...

Dude....I can't believe she was so little. I was totally feelin' nervous yesterday, but much better today. You survived it all... so I know i will ;) And i love the kendyl month by month. i sooo don't get tired of looking at her even with how often i am lucky enough to get to see her!