Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Fun Summer Days

We have been very busy lately, so I haven't been able to post anything. Last Friday, we had a lot of fun hanging out with Cici, Uncle Doug, Max and Ginger. You showed them just how much you love pizza.

On Saturday, we were soooo tired we just hung out at home all day. We did a little cleaning and swimming in your little pool and we even had a picnic after daddy went to get us sandwiches. Grandma and Grandpa came by after they went shopping so we all just hung out for the rest of the evening.
On Sunday, we thought we were smart and headed out to the Orange County Fair. What were we thinking???? It was soooo hot we only stayed about 2 hours and then headed straight to grandma's to swim for the rest of the day. We didn't even call either, we just showed up:) When we got there we saw that Uncle Mark, Hunter and Hunter's friend, Zeffy, were there too, so we had a nice afternoon in the pool. You are getting to be such a big girl. You were swimming all by yourself (with your arm floaties and swim bathing suit on of course). But you wanted to "do it myself" and you did.
Yesterday, you went back to Jen Jen's because I had to go to work for a little while. This was your last day at Jen Jen's for a while because they are going on vacation this week for over a week. I know you will miss them. :(
After Jen Jen's we came home, had a little snack, went to pick up the Seyfrieds and then off to Knott's we went. We had sooo much fun at Knott's last night. You went on a bunch of rides, including, the LOG RIDE!!!! Not only did you go on the Log Ride, but you sat in the very front of the log. You were sooo brave, you didn't cry once, in fact I think you enjoyed it a little bit. Your face coming down the drop though is priceless. I bought a picture of it from the park and am trying to scan it to post.. it is sooooo cute. Well, on the way to the car at 9pm Logan asked if you could come over and play for a little while. You were already in your jammies and playing with your ear (clear sign of fatigue). So I told Logan if you fell asleep on the way home, then No you couldn't play, but if you stayed awake you could play for a little bit. Little did I know you would be WIDE awake. I even tried to drive slowly just to give you more time to fll asleep. But you didn't, so we played for a little while and you had a blast. You played with blocks and had soooo much fun. I didn't know how I was going to get you out of there because every time I said, "We gotta go" you replied with, "No, I stay" and last time we were there you threw a bit of a tantrum when it was time to go. This time I figured it out and told you about our plans for today (the beach) which excited you enough to give kisses and get in the car. So hopefully today, if you ever wake up, we will be heading out to Seal Beach again to play. I'm sure we'll have a few more stories after this adventure too. Love you Kendyl. Thanks for being so awesome.

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