Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Another month older

Well today you are another month older and that much closer to two. I can't believe you will be 2 in just 2 months. Wow, how the time has flown. You are such a mature, intelligent, and entertaining little girl. You make every person that comes in to contact with you smile and you really have a good sense of humor. I would be here all night if I tried to list all of your recent accomplishments so I won't even go there. Let's just say you are growing like a weed, talking in pretty much complete sentences, copying everything that anyone says, using the potty a little bit more and are giving the best hugs and kisses a mom could ask for. You amaze me every day with your intelligence. I know most moms thinks their kid is a genius, but this mom knows it. You are a truly special little girl and I know that I am the luckiest mom in the world. Thanks for making each day so enjoyable to live. I love french fry.

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