Monday, December 8, 2008

15 months

Today you turn 15 months old. You have become a little girl way too quickly. However much I miss you being a baby, I love every minute of who you are becoming. I love the fact that no matter where we go, you always make someone's day better. You have that thing about you that just makes people want to smile and realize that life is a gift. You make it very hard for people to be sad around you (except when you smack them). You have such an innocent and sweet soul and I can't say enough how lucky I am to share every day with you. You are the joy in my life, the apple of my eye, the whipped cream in my hot cocoa, my everything.

Lately you have accomplished a few new feats. Not only have you expanded your vocabulary with words like "anta" (santa) and "elehan" (elephant), but you also have learned how to count to 3. It is really cute. I say One... and you chime in with two then you pause for some reason and then shout theeee. I'll catch it soon to share. You now have a full dozen, teeth that is. Yep, 12 big ones, and you use them well :)
You still love books and pretend to read them constantly. You are also learning many new animal sounds. You can do dog, duck, monkey (which is awesome), cat (sometimes), and today we tried to teach you the cow. You seemed to like that one a lot.
Your walk has turned in to a full sprint that is almost too fast for me to keep up with. (guess, I better get that treadmill out after all) You still love Shrek and Elmo, and are slowly less interested in The Backyardigans?

You have discovered my headbands and put them on constantly along with any pair of shoes you can find. You actually di a pretty good job of getting both mine and daddy's shoes on and you somehow find a way to walk. You still have a pretty bruised ring finger and I am afraid that you might lose your fingernail, but you have 9 more, so no sweat. You also appear to have a slight case of eczema, but we are working on that as well. Other than that you are still pretty much the coolest thing around. And did I mention the prettiest.Here is a short video of your newest phrase..... enjoy

I hope you have had as much fun as I have these last 15 months. I can't imagine life without you. Thanks for being you... I LOVE YOU! Happy Birthday.

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