Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Crash Landing

Today you and I had a very scary experience. On our way home mommy got in a car accident. Thankfully, neither one of us were injured. You were a bit scared and cried a little, but you were really brave the whole time.I think mommy's car is headed to the graveyard.

This day has really put things into perspective for me. At times, I am so tired that I often lose my patience and get frustrated with you. But after today, I have realized that you can bounce around, scream, cry, want to watch dinosaurs a million times and even say "mommy" every second for the rest of your life and it won't bother me one bit. I love you french fry. Thanks for being so tough today.

1 comment:

jackson'smama said...

Wow! I'm glad you two are okay! Sorry this happened to you. : (