Sunday, April 5, 2009

What's happening to my sweet baby?

OK, I knew the day would come when those "terrible 2's" would hit, but I'm afraid that they are already happening for my little french fry. My sweet, little happy baby girl now enjoys throwing full on tantrums, while screaming,kicking, and yelling "NOOOO." She is finding ways to "enjoy" time-out so that is not working as well as it once did.
I guess I shouldn't be so shocked that it is happening at 18 months. She did crawl @ 7 months, walk @ 9, and hasn't stopped talking since she said her first "word." But I was secretly hoping that she might just skip that stage since she has been such an easy baby. Jokes on me... I'm going to get it 10 times worse to make up for the last 18 months of happy-go-lucky Kendyl. Oh well, I guess that's part of the "joy" of motherhood. Love you, french fry.


Hailee Bop said...

Aunt Heather! It's all part of them growing up! I hate to say it, but even when she is doing it (throwing tantrums that is) she is so damn cute! You can't resist her! Just remove her from the situation....she will forget in a minute what she was up to in the first place!

Hailee Bop said...

BTW, I was just reading my blog entry from the other night and totally forgot Kendyl's name! I have now fixed it! I think the little chitlins in the room distracted me too much! Sorry! I would never forget her!