Saturday, January 10, 2009

Playdate with B-Lo

Today you had your first playdate with B-Lo. He is mommy's friend, Lisa's, son. He is a few months older than you, so you 2 hit it off quite well. You were a bit bossy at times, and you weren't a fan of sharing your toys with him. But overall, I'd say it was a success. You guys totally starting playing well together when it was time to go. Here is some video and pics of your fun day. Hopefully we can do it again soon.

You really didn't want to share your train, but he's pretty cute,

So you gave in real quick.

Here you are holding hands while we were walking them out,

I don't think we should show Daddy this one....

I know you had fun with Brayden. I just hope Brandon doesn't find out and get jealous.


b said...


Anonymous said...

So cute! I love the monthly pictures, but did I fall asleep for a week or forget what day it is?