Thursday, January 8, 2009

16 months old

Today you are 16 months old. And again, I can't believe it. Everyday seems to just get better with you. You are so smart and happy that I constantly find myself thanking someone upstairs for you. I know you are a little sick right now, but you still seem to brighten up every minute I spend with you.
You are pretty much the same kid you have been for a while. You are a bit smarter and a bit more stubborn though. You still have a lot of words (about 20) and you understand directions amazingly. Tonight you even put your hand in one of your puppets and tried to make it talk. You pick up on things very quickly, which is something I hope stays with you as you get older.
You weigh 24 lbs and are..oh man, I forgot how tall you are. I'll have to go back and look at the dr. paperwork (sorry, bad mom moment). Thanks for being such a wonderful daughter to call my own. I know that I am the luckiest person in the world. Happy 16 month birthday. I love you.

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