Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Pretend City

Today me, you, Hailee, and Aunt Netty met Aunt Cyndi, Brandon, Lisa, and Brayden at Pretend City in Irvine. It was soooo much fun. Everything there was toddler sized, which made it even better. You got to do so many fun things. There was an art room where you got to make a coffee filter butterfly, and you and Hailee painted the window.

Then we went to the Marina and you got to fish and play in the water a little.

Here is where we tried to get you both to give us the "peace" sign... Didn't quite work.

Next we headed to the Doctor because,unfortunately, Hailee broke her leg and needed crutches. But you were a great nurse for her and took good care of her.

We hit the beach to play in the sand

The grocery store where you did some shopping, cashier work, and even weighed your goodies.

The farm, where you raked the dirt, planted lettuce, and hung some apples in the trees.

You also built in the construction zone, vacuumed someones house, pumped some gas, and played fire chief with Hailee

Here you are in the Cafe, fixing me some eggs, which were quite delicious.

Then you hopped in the car for your exit ride.

We left Pretend City and went to lunch with everyone. You had a few meltdown moments, but did overall did pretty well. After lunch, though... you decided to show Brandon some extra love and gave him a huge smooch. I swear it like 10 seconds long. Geesh!

You and Hailee both crashed on the way home, which made me and Aunt Netty quite jealous.

But the best part of the day was on the way home when we got the extreme pleasure of witnessing this.... (I warn you...it's kinda gross)
Thanks for an awesome day, Kendyl. I love you and I'm not pretending:)

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