Tuesday, April 27, 2010

fish and tricks

Today after I picked you up from Jen Jen's house we came home and played in the garage for a little while. On the way home, we sang your new favorite song about the food chain of fish (Which I'll get on video soon). Then I gave you a few M&Ms to snack on and you decided to do this....

Explanation: You didn't want the "great white shark" (from the fish song) to get your M&Ms so you hid them so he couldn't see them. Then when I said you were tricky, it triggered a new trick that you saw Sophia do today at Jen Jens. When I picked you up she showed me how she could throw mini marshmallows up and catch them in her mouth and I told her she was tricky. So when I called you tricky, you did the same thing, except you didn't actually throw it up, you just pretended. Soooo funny!!! I love how you relate things together so much. Such a genius!!!!

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