Monday, March 29, 2010

Loving the Dimetapp

Today you woke up with a pretty bad cough and a runny nose, which was note a good sign. You went to Jen Jen's and she let me know that you were not doing so well. So Grammy and Grampy went to get you and I got someone to cover my class and took you to the doctor. She, unfortunately, said you have a bad case of croup. She gave us a prescrption for some breathing treatments to give you and said I could give you Dimetapp for your congestion, but everything else was fine. So, we went to the store to get your medicine and then took some. Wow, did it work fast. Here you are about 20 mins after your first dose dancing with Sam from iCarly.

I'm not sure how you are going to come off of this, but I think it's awesome while you are on it. You are literally speaking gibberish and acting a little intoxicated. It is quite comical. I can't wait to stay home with you tomorrow and take care of you. I hope you kick this quick. Love you french fry.

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